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Event Parking Issue unresolved

Newington residents seem no closer to a resolution to the issue of parking in our suburb during special events.

Effectively the dispute between Auburn Council and the State Government over cost shifting means that whilst Council supports the idea of 'Special Event Parking' (SEP) for Newington they are not willing to fund it as they believe the State Government should bear the cost.

Prior to the approval of the V8 event Minister McDonald gave a verbal undertaking to a delegation of Newington residents that SEP would be put in place for the Telstra 500 and further promised that he would look at this being extended for other major events. However the State Government now says it is Auburn Council's responsibility and Auburn Council says the State Government should do it.

The result is Newington residents are stuck in the middle.

At last week's meeting of Auburn Council a group of residents attended and four spoke, all in favour, of a motion from Councillor Curtin (seconded Clr Di Paolo) for Special Event Parking (SEP) to be put in place in time for the Telstra 500 V8 Supercar event in December.

This would have involved a survey of residents to identify the problems and to ensure community support of any scheme before implementation. Clr Curtin's motion also allowed for an review after the V8 event to consider what, if any, ongoing SEP plans should be put in place for Newington.

However Clr Michels moved an amendment to the motion (seconded by Clr Lam) which was passed in a split vote.

The outcome is that Council:

RESOLVED on the motion of Clr Michels, seconded Clr Lam:

  1. That Council supports, in principle, the setting up of a Special Event Parking Scheme, for the Sydney Telstra 500 event, in Newington and other affected areas subject to parking studies and appropriate planning for the event in accordance with the RTA Permit Parking Manual, (including a survey of all Newington residents regarding their support, or otherwise of such a scheme), to be undertaken at Homebush Motor Racing Authority (HMRA) cost.
  2. That Council staff bring back a report on the implementation and ongoing costs for any Special Event Parking Scheme.
  3. That, on receipt of the abovementioned report, further representations be made to the HMRA and the State Government with regard to the fact that associated costs are as a result of the Sydney Telstra 500 event and that they agree to meet the substantive costs of the Special Event Parking Scheme.
For  Councillors Simms, Anmak, Au, Lam, Michels and Oueik.
Against Councillors Curtin, Di Paolo and Zraika.

If you wish to communicate your thoughts to any of the Councillors or to the State Government regarding this matter the contacts are listed below.

Auburn Councillors

NSW State Government

Member for Auburn
Hon. Barbara Perry MP
Tel: 9644 6972

NSW MInister for State Development
Hon. Ian Macdonald MLC
Tel: 9228 3344
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